21 June 2008

unlimited knitting time for the next six to eight weeks? sounds like a dream right?

i. am. so. bored. curse you klutziness!!

not bored with knitting per se. but with sitting and pain and my house and immobility and all those other things that make it hard to concentrate on (let alone ENJOY) what you're doing.

i've been on bed rest since the 7th from a chipped and fractured talus bone. it's the bone that forms a big part of your ankle joint between the tibia, fibia and "heel" bones. (the heel bone has another name, calsomething....but i don't remember and you don't really care. in case you do google is your friend.)

long story short: as i left my niece's adorable pirate/peterpan (ie tinkerbelle) themed birthday party at an adorable pirate themed restaurant, i missed a step/tripped over my own feet and took a spectacular fall. could only have been better if i walked a plank. really. i wish i'd walked a plank...at least that's a better story. the sad truth is i've been trying to master this walking thing for nearly 25 years and still don't quite have it down. i'm a bit slow.

luckly i probably won't need surgery. but i've been on bed rest for two weeks already and i'm looking at two more (although the conditions of the next two weeks of rest are far less restrictive). thank GOD almighty and baby Jesus too for my amazing supportive husband. he has been helping me from the first thirty seconds of this debacle onwards...everything from bringing me tea and changing the dvd at my every whim to explaining medical terms and calming my fears. not to mention putting up with my cranky butt (to my credit i'm making a HUGE effort to stay positive...and doing a kick ass job at it, if i do say so myself. and i do.)

he is caring and calm, patient and kind. i don't know what i would do without him. seriously. i can't even get to the bathroom alone (corralling dogs, unlocking doors, and moving random obstacles all whilst hobbling on crutches? near impossible alone. and painful.) i really wish i could clone him for my single friends.

another big shout out to casey, jess, mary heather and jeninmaine for ravelry in general and CPaAGg in particular. i'm sure they're all sick of hearing of my woe but at least they give me cake and entertain me when i'm too gorked out on pain or pain killers to be productive. i'm lucky to have found a place where productive is frowned upon. :)

on the bright side the boys' spiderman afghan for is nearly complete. the double crochet, skip two chain/two every once in a while pattern is about the only thing the percocet and pain have allowed me to concentrate on. i did decide to add an extra skien to the pattern though. partly as a time occupier for myself, partly as a fight prevention for my dear friend who is mother of said boys. i figure if the blanket is big enough (and the three little monster loves of my life are tired enough) everyone might consent to sharing.

one can dream, no?